As a university professor, I have supervised 81 undergraduate student diploma theses and 5 Master Student Diploma Theses while many topics are in progress, in the fields of embedded system algorithm implementation, android programming, network algorithms, arduino hardware and software co-synthesis, data mining, security exploitation, voip, computer vision.

Students that I have supervised, can ask for a reference letter following these guidelines (in greek).

The updated list of available Diploma Theses Topics by Dr. Dasygenis is also online in the site.

Completed Theses

Under my supervision at University of Western Macedonia (the complete theses in PDF format are available upon request, if not online) :

  1. Design and Implementation of a remote message display system,2012 (Thesis Document) and (Thesis Files)
  2. Design and implementation of an embedded alarm system based on Arduino's architecture which is supported by a website,2012 (Thesis Document)
  3. Design of networking game in the android platform,2012 (Thesis Document)
  4. Design and Construction of an Informative System for the elaboration of a teaching programme for the Information Technology and Telecommunications Engineering Department of the University of Western Macedonia,2012 (Thesis Document) and (Thesis Files)
  5. Implementation of the communication protocol of embedded devices of satellite position location and link with database,2012 (Thesis Document)
  6. Design and Implementation of monitoring and tracking company's sales agents with a native android application.,2013 (Thesis Document), (Thesis Presentation), (Thesis Source Website + Android Source code)
  7. Design and Implementation of a logistics management web site with a native android application.,2013 (Thesis Document), (Thesis Presentation), (Thesis Source Website + Android Source code)
  8. Design and Implementation of an I-phone application for managing and recording children's asthma,2013 (Thesis Document), (Thesis Presentation), (Thesis Code)
  9. Design and Implementation of an access control system using RFID,2013 (Thesis Document), (Thesis Presentation)
  10. Design of a fleet management information system,2013 (Thesis Document), (Thesis Presentation)
  11. An android application for Personal Health Record management,2013 (Thesis Document) and (Thesis Files)
  12. Design and implementation of an environmental monitoring and auditing system for a greenhouse,2013 (Thesis Document), (Thesis presentation) and (Thesis Files)
  13. Design & Implementation of a power measurement device, 2014,[pdf iconThesis PDF][html iconThesis HTML], [pdf iconThesis Presentation PDF][html iconThesis Presentation HTML][Poster].
  14. Design of a networking game in the iphone ios platform, 2014,[pdf iconThesis PDF][html iconThesis HTML], [pdf iconThesis Presentation PDF][html iconThesis Presentation HTML][pdf iconThesis Paper PDF][html iconThesis Paper HTML][pdf iconThesis Paper Poster].
  15. Design of a property registry management web site,2014, [ pdf iconThesis PDF] [ html iconThesis HTML], [ pdf iconThesis Presentation PDF] [ html iconThesis Presentation HTML].
  16. Design and Implementation of an internet remote control vehicle,2014, [ pdf iconThesis PDF] [ html iconThesis HTML], [ pdf iconThesis Presentation PDF] [ html iconThesis Presentation HTML], [ pdf iconThesis Operational Manual PDF] [ html iconThesis Operational Manual HTML].
  17. Design and Implementation of a realtime object classification algorithm in a production line using computer vision,2014, [ pdf iconThesis PDF] [ html iconThesis HTML], [ pdf iconThesis Presentation PDF] [ html iconThesis Presentation HTML].
  18. Design and Implementation of a Soft Processor with a Custom FPU Addition,2014, [ pdf iconThesis PDF] [ html iconThesis HTML], [ pdf iconPoster PDF] [ html iconPoster HTML].
  19. Design and Implementation of a remote system controlling electrical power, 2015, [ pdf iconThesis PDF] [ html iconThesis HTML], [ pdf iconPoster PNG].
  20. Design and Implementation of a Personal Response System, 2015, [ pdf iconThesis PDF] [ html iconThesis HTML], [ pdf iconPoster PDF] [ pdf iconThesis Presentation PDF] [ html iconThesis Presentation HTML] [ pdf icon Thesis Paper PDF].
  21. Design and modification of a simple home appliance into a reprogrammable IP device , 2015, [ pdf iconThesis PDF] [ html iconThesis HTML], [ pdf iconThesis Presentation PDF][ html iconThesis Presentation HTML] [ pdf icon i2Fest Poster PDF ]
  22. Design and Implementation of a dynamic student examination website to support asynchronous e-learning , 2015, [ pdf iconThesis PDF] [ html iconThesis HTML], [ html iconThesis Presentation HTML] [ pdf icon i2Fest Poster PDF ]
  23. Analysis, Design and Implementation of a "Movie Quiz" game in Android , 2015, [ pdf iconThesis PDF] [ html iconThesis HTML]
  24. Design and Implementation of a Public Display Management System for the UOWM University, 2016, [ pdf iconThesis PDF] [ html iconThesis HTML] [ Thesis Presentation PDF ] [ html iconThesis Presentation HTML]
  25. Design and construction of a defensive automatic robotic system targeting moving objects, 2016, [pdf iconThesisPDF] [ html iconThesis HTML] [pdf icon Thesis Presentation PDF ] [ html iconThesis Presentation HTML ]
  26. Design and development of information system for management of internship positions at University of Western Macedonia, 2016, [pdf iconThesisPDF] [ html iconThesis HTML] [pdf icon Thesis Presentation PDF ] [ html iconThesis Presentation HTML ]
  27. Design of an Information System for recording utility measurements assisted by opticalrecognition (OCR) via mobile phone, 2016, [pdf
iconThesisPDF] [ html iconThesis HTML] [pdf icon Thesis Presentation PDF ] [ html iconThesis Presentation HTML ]
  28. Design and Implementation of a smart IP embedded alarm system unit , 2016, [pdf iconThesis PDF] [ html iconThesis HTML] [pdf icon Thesis Presentation PDF ] [ html iconThesis Presentation HTML ]
  29. Development of a hardware description language generator for circuits implementing arithmetic functions, 2016, [pdf iconThesis PDF] [ html iconThesis HTML] [pdf icon Thesis Presentation PDF ] [ html iconThesis Presentation HTML]
  30. Design and Implementation of an information system for natural gas technicians, consisting of a dynamic web site and an android application , 2016, [pdficonThesis PDF] [ html iconThesis HTML] [pdficonThesis Presentation PDF ] [ html iconThesis Presentation HTML]
  31. A cloud based HDL editor, compiler and simulator and a web based signal waveform plot application for HDL simulation., 2016, [pdficonThesis PDF] [ html iconThesis HTML] [pdficonThesis Presentation PDF ] [ html iconThesis Presentation HTML]
  32. Design and Implementation of an information system for optimal path about traveling companions who use Taxi services [pdficonThesis PDF] [ html iconThesis HTML] [pdficonThesis Presentation PDF ] [ html iconThesis Presentation HTML]
  33. Design and implementation of a smart car/follower with avoid obstacles function [pdficonThesis PDF] [html iconThesis HTML] [pdficonPresentation PDF] [html iconPresentation HTML]
  34. Design and implementation of a hardware accelerator for the full search motion estimation algorithm [pdficonThesis PDF] [html iconThesis HTML] [pdficonPresentation PDF] [html iconPresentation HTML]
  35. Design and development of a seminars evaluation website [pdficonThesis PDF] [html iconThesis HTML] [pdficonPresentation PDF] [html iconPresentation HTML]
  36. Design & Implementation of an Embedded Monitoring System for Alzheimer's Patient with Relevant Application Support [pdficonThesis PDF] [html iconThesis HTML] [pdficonPresentation PDF] [html iconPresentation HTML]
  37. Design and implementation of the infrastructure of an intelligent ecological smart house. [pdficonThesis PDF] [html iconThesis HTML] [pdficonPresentation PDF] [html iconPresentation HTML]
  38. Implementation of a realtime moving object discovery or left-behind object tracking using computer vision [pdficonThesis PDF] [html iconThesis HTML] [pdficonPresentation PDF] [html iconPresentation HTML]
  39. Design and implementation of an intelligent toy to provide emotional observation and paternal monitoring of a child [pdficonThesis PDF] [html iconThesis HTML] [pdficonPresentation PDF] [html iconPresentation HTML]
  40. An android application and supporting website for creating travel guides and application to the Kozani Perfecture [pdficonPresentation PDF] [html iconPresentation HTML] [pdficonThesis PDF] [html iconThesis HTML]
  41. Design and Implementation of a web site for University graduates [pdficonThesis PDF] [html iconThesis HTML] [pdficonPresentation PDF] [html iconPresentation HTML]
  42. Secure Autonomous Cloud Brained Humanoid Robot for Search and Rescue missions in Hazardous Environments [pdficonThesis PDF] [html iconThesis HTML] [pdficonPresentation PDF] [html iconPresentation HTML]
  43. Design and implementation of a laboratory equipment management information system [pdficonThesis PDF] [html iconThesis HTML] [pdficonPresentation PDF] [html iconPresentation HTML]
  44. An Embedded system design and implementation for recording environmental conditions with supporting webpage development [pdficonThesis PDF] [html iconThesis HTML] [pdficonPresentation PDF] [html iconPresentation HTML]
  45. Optimal routing of unmanned vehicles in three-dimensional space under multiple constraints [pdficonThesis PDF] [html iconThesis HTML] [pdficonPresentation PDF] [html iconPresentation HTML]
  46. Design and implementation of an informative management system of volunteers and defibrillators [pdficonThesis PDF] [html iconThesis HTML] [pdficonPresentation PDF] [html iconPresentation HTML]
  47. Design and Implementation of a Personal Expenses Management System [pdficonThesis PDF] [html iconThesis HTML] [pdficonPresentation PDF] [html iconPresentation HTML]
  48. Design and Implementation of an information system of a timetable management program [pdficonThesis PDF] [html iconThesis HTML] [pdficonPresentation PDF] [html iconPresentation HTML]
  49. Design and development of a website focused on affiliation and discovery of local hotspots hosting or organizing cultural events [pdficonPresentation PDF] [html iconPresentation HTML] [pdficonThesis PDF] [html iconThesis HTML]
  50. Design and implementation of a web application environment to assess the efficiency and manufacturability of chemical processes [pdficonThesis PDF] [html iconThesis HTML] [pdficonPresentation PDF] [html iconPresentation HTML]
  51. Viewshed analysis supporting ecosystem recreational services|open source programming for ecologists and protected areas managers [pdficonThesis PDF] [html iconThesis HTML] [pdficonPresentation PDF] [html iconPresentation HTML]
  52. Design and implementation of an integrated management system for basketball league [pdficonThesis PDF] [html iconThesis HTML] [pdficonPresentation PDF] [html iconPresentation HTML]
  53. Software development for schematic design in an automated digital circuit production process tem supported by computer vision [pdficonThesis PDF] [html iconThesis HTML] [pdficonPresentation PDF] [html iconPresentation HTML]
  54. Design and Implementation of a WiFi Remote Control Vehicle Using a Camera [pdficonPresentation PDF] [html iconPresentation HTML] [pdficonThesis PDF] [html iconThesis HTML]
  55. Design and implementation of robotic system supported by computer vision [pdficonPresentation PDF] [html iconPresentation HTML] [pdficonThesis PDF] [html iconThesis HTML]
  56. Design and implementation of a web application for management of robotic systems [pdficonThesis PDF] [html iconThesis HTML] [pdficonPresentation PDF] [html iconPresentation HTML]
  57. Design and implementation of a gas pipeline supervision and management informatics system [pdficonPresentation PDF] [html iconPresentation HTML] [pdficonThesis PDF] [html iconThesis HTML]
  58. Design and implementation of a robotic arm assistant with voice interaction using machine vision [pdficonPresentation PDF] [html iconPresentation HTML] [pdficonThesis PDF] [html iconThesis HTML]
  59. Design and implementation of a smart buzzer for orders in restaurants and development of a supportive website application [pdficonPresentation PDF] [html iconPresentation HTML] [pdficonThesis PDF] [html iconThesis HTML]
  60. Design and implementation of a website for screen sharing in real time [pdficonPresentation PDF] [html iconPresentation HTML] [pdficonThesis PDF] [html iconThesis HTML]
  61. Design and Implementation of a researcher's collaborative web site [ pdficonPresentation PDF] [ html iconPresentation HTML] [ pdficonThesis PDF] [ html iconThesis HTML]
  62. Design and implementation of an autonomous water boat vehicle using arduino [ pdficonPresentation PDF] [ html iconPresentation HTML] [ pdficonThesis PDF] [ html iconThesis HTML]
  63. Study and categorization of cyberattacks on popular operating systems and services using Honeypots [ pdficonThesis PDF] [ html iconThesis HTML] [ pdficonPresentation PDF] [\ html iconPresentation HTML]
  64. Programming of an automated solver for the minesweeper game [ pdficonPresentation PDF] [ html iconPresentation HTML] [ pdficonThesis PDF] [html iconThesis HTML]
  65. Design and development of an online educational platform [ pdficonPresentation PDF] [ html iconPresentation HTML] [ pdficonThesis PDF] [html iconThesis HTML]
  66. Design and Implementation of an IoT system for wireless energy control and measure [pdficonThesis PDF] [html iconThesis HTML] [pdficonThesis PDF] [html iconThesis HTML]
  67. Design and Implementation of an Information System for the Creation and Monitoring of Personalize Diet Programs [pdficonThesis PDF] [html iconThesis HTML] [pdficonThesis PDF] [html iconThesis HTML]
  68. Design and implementation of tangible computing cubes for learning basic programming concepts in children [pdficonThesis PDF] [html iconThesis HTML] [pdficonPresentation PDF] [html iconPresentation HTML]
  69. Design and Implementation of a web platform to support card games between remote players [pdficonThesis PDF] [html iconThesis HTML] [pdficonPresentation PDF] [html iconPresentation HTML]
  70. [pdficonThesis PDF] [html iconThesis HTML]
  71. VR Training System for Drivers on Installing Snow Chains [pdficonPresentation PDF] [html iconPresentation HTML] [pdficonThesis PDF] [html iconThesis HTML]
  72. Development of a 3D Multiplayer Third Person Roguelite Shooter game [pdficonPresentation PDF] [html iconPresentation HTML] [pdficonThesis PDF] [html iconThesis HTML], Youtube Video Full GamePlay
  73. Design and Implementation of an Open Source Platform for Managing Computer Booting over a Network [pdficonPresentation PDF] [html iconPresentation HTML]
  74. Σχεδιασμός και υλοποίηση SoC σε αρχιτεκτονική ARM [pdficonPresentation PDF] [html iconPresentation HTML] [pdficonThesis PDF] [html iconThesis HTML]

Under my supervision at various Master of Science Programmes, I have supervised the following:

  1. Serious Role Playing Games in Education [ pdficonPresentation PDF] [ htmliconPresentation HTML] [ pdficonThesis PDF] [ htmliconThesis HTML]
  2. A supervised machine learning framework for anomaly-based intrusion detection [pdficonThesis PDF] [html iconThesis HTML] [pdficonThesis PDF] [html iconThesis HTML]
  3. The synergy of Internet of Things (IoT) and Augmented Reality (AR) [pdficonThesis PDF] [html iconThesis HTML] [pdficonPresentation PDF] [html iconPresentation HTML]
  4. Utilizing RPG games in education [pdficonThesis PDF] [html iconThesis HTML] [pdficonPresentation PDF] [html iconPresentation HTML]
  5. Evaluation of Commercial and Hobbyist meteorological low cost weather stations [pdficonPresentation PDF] [html iconPresentation HTML] [pdficonThesis PDF] [html iconThesis HTML]

Under my supervision at ATEI of Thessaloniki (the complete theses in PDF format are available upon request):

  1. Integrity, Availability and Confidentiality in VOIP Technology
  2. Security in wireless 802.11 networks and design of a wireless prepaid network
  3. Design of a tunneling application for Windows Mobile 2003 or w5 or w6, which will be using IP-over-DNS, in order to bypass strict networking constrains.
  4. Physical, managerial and security analysis of the infrastructure of an industrial environment
  5. Design of a web application for the Human Resources Department using open source programs
  6. Overview of data mining programming languages and implementation of a program for data mining OTE yellow pages
  7. Overview and comparison of of High Availability Web Server over Windows and Unix-based (Linux/BSD) Operating Systems and design of a HA web server
  8. Implementation of a home alarm processing unit in FreeBSD/Linux/Windows Operating System
  9. Design of an android web application implementing a game of questions and answers