Chapter 1. Tools Utilized
Figure 5.3: The Virtex 6 FPGA board
The Xilinx Virtex ML605
For implementing the processor, a device that would feet the needs had to be chosen. The
processor being relatively extensive in size than simple designs requires a correspondingly
large FPGA. Initial implementations involved the Xilinx Spartan 3A board, how ever
the final design was too big to fit this board. The Virtex ML 605 board was used to
synthesize and implement the design. Figure
displays the board used.
The Virtex
-6 FPGA ML605 Evaluation Kit is the Xilinx base platform for devel-
oping system designs that demand high-performance, serial connectivity and advanced
memory interfacing. This yields design applications for markets such as wired telecom-
munications, wireless infrastructure, broadcast and many others. Integrated tools help
streamline the creation of elegant solutions to complex design requirements. The ML605
Evaluation Kit is based on the XC6VLX240T-1FFG1156 Virtex-6 FPGA. This FPGA
contains 241,152 logic cells, a rating that reflects the increased logic capacity offered by
the 6-input LUT architecture[
The basic features of the board are the following:
• 16MB Platform Flash XL
• 32 MB Linear BPI Flash
• System ACE CF