Labels of
Labels of columns in multiclass training
dataframe, after one-hot encoding
Labels of columns in binary
classification training dataframe, after
one-hot encoding
Labels of columns in 4-class
classification training dataframe, after
one-hot encoding
4, 5,
6, 7,
8, 9,
10, 11, 12,
13, 14, 15,
16, 17, 18,
20, 21, 22,
23, 24, 25,
26, 27, 28,
29, 30, 31,
32, 33, 34,
35, 36, 37,
38, 39, 40,
[0, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20,
21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34,
35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40,
'1_icmp', '1_tcp', '1_udp',
'2_X11', '2_Z39_50', '2_aol', '2_auth', '2_bgp', '2_courier',
'2_csnet_ns', '2_ctf', '2_daytime', '2_discard', '2_domain',
'2_domain_u', '2_echo', '2_eco_i', '2_ecr_i', '2_efs',
'2_exec', '2_finger', '2_ftp', '2_ftp_data', '2_gopher',
'2_harvest', '2_hostnames', '2_http', '2_http_2784',
'2_http_443', '2_http_8001', '2_imap4', '2_iso_tsap',
'2_klogin', '2_kshell', '2_ldap', '2_link', '2_login', '2_mtp',
'2_name', '2_netbios_dgm', '2_netbios_ns',
'2_netbios_ssn', '2_netstat', '2_nnsp', '2_nntp', '2_ntp_u',
'2_other', '2_pm_dump', '2_pop_2', '2_pop_3', '2_printer',
'2_private', '2_red_i', '2_remote_job', '2_rje', '2_shell',
'2_smtp', '2_sql_net', '2_ssh', '2_sunrpc', '2_supdup',
'2_systat', '2_telnet', '2_tftp_u', '2_tim_i', '2_time',
'2_urh_i', '2_urp_i', '2_uucp', '2_uucp_path', '2_vmnet',
'3_OTH', '3_REJ', '3_RSTO', '3_RSTOS0',
'3_RSTR', '3_S0', '3_S1', '3_S2', '3_S3', '3_SF', '3_SH',
'41_back', '41_buffer_overflow', '41_ftp_write',
'41_guess_passwd', '41_imap', '41_ipsweep', '41_land',
'41_loadmodule', '41_multihop', '41_neptune', '41_nmap',
'41_normal', '41_perl', '41_phf', '41_pod', '41_portsweep',
'41_rootkit', '41_satan', '41_smurf', '41_spy',
'41_teardrop', '41_warezclient', '41_warezmaster'
[0, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16,
17, 18, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29,
30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40,
'1_icmp', '1_tcp', '1_udp',
'2_IRC', '2_X11',
'2_Z39_50', '2_aol', '2_auth', '2_bgp',
'2_courier', '2_csnet_ns', '2_ctf', '2_daytime',
'2_discard', '2_domain', '2_domain_u',
'2_echo', '2_eco_i', '2_ecr_i', '2_efs', '2_exec',
'2_finger', '2_ftp', '2_ftp_data', '2_gopher',
'2_harvest', '2_hostnames', '2_http',
'2_http_2784', '2_http_443', '2_http_8001',
'2_imap4', '2_iso_tsap', '2_klogin', '2_kshell',
'2_ldap', '2_link', '2_login', '2_mtp', '2_name',
'2_netbios_dgm', '2_netbios_ns',
'2_netbios_ssn', '2_netstat', '2_nnsp', '2_nntp',
'2_ntp_u', '2_other', '2_pm_dump', '2_pop_2',
'2_pop_3', '2_printer', '2_private', '2_red_i',
'2_remote_job', '2_rje', '2_shell', '2_smtp',
'2_sql_net', '2_ssh', '2_sunrpc', '2_supdup',
'2_systat', '2_telnet', '2_tftp_u', '2_tim_i',
'2_time', '2_urh_i', '2_urp_i', '2_uucp',
'2_uucp_path', '2_vmnet', '2_whois',
'3_REJ', '3_RSTO', '3_RSTOS0', '3_RSTR',
'3_S0', '3_S1', '3_S2', '3_S3', '3_SF', '3_SH',
'41_abnormal', '41_normal
[0, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16,
17, 18, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29,
30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40
'1_icmp', '1_tcp', '1_udp',
'2_IRC', '2_X11',
'2_Z39_50', '2_aol', '2_auth', '2_bgp', '2_courier',
'2_csnet_ns', '2_ctf', '2_daytime', '2_discard',
'2_domain', '2_domain_u', '2_echo', '2_eco_i',
'2_ecr_i', '2_efs', '2_exec', '2_finger', '2_ftp',
'2_ftp_data', '2_gopher', '2_harvest',
'2_hostnames', '2_http', '2_http_2784',
'2_http_443', '2_http_8001', '2_imap4',
'2_iso_tsap', '2_klogin', '2_kshell', '2_ldap',
'2_link', '2_login', '2_mtp', '2_name',
'2_netbios_dgm', '2_netbios_ns',
'2_netbios_ssn', '2_netstat', '2_nnsp', '2_nntp',
'2_ntp_u', '2_other', '2_pm_dump', '2_pop_2',
'2_pop_3', '2_printer', '2_private', '2_red_i',
'2_remote_job', '2_rje', '2_shell', '2_smtp',
'2_sql_net', '2_ssh', '2_sunrpc', '2_supdup',
'2_systat', '2_telnet', '2_tftp_u', '2_tim_i',
'2_time', '2_urh_i', '2_urp_i', '2_uucp',
'2_uucp_path', '2_vmnet', '2_whois',
'3_REJ', '3_RSTO', '3_RSTOS0', '3_RSTR', '3_S0',
'3_S1', '3_S2', '3_S3', '3_SF', '3_SH',
'41_Probe', '41_R2L', '41_U2R', '41_normal
In total: 42
In total: 144
In total: 123
In total: 126