Occupation: Lecturer
Website: http://arch.icte.uowm.gr/mdasyg
Degree: Electrical and Computer Engineer, PhD
Minas Dasygenis (Electric and Computer Engineer, 1999, Ph.D) is an Assistant Professor at the Polytechnic School of Kozani, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Western Macedonia, Greece, in the research area of designing embedded systems and accelerators in homogeneous or heterogeneous architectures. He carries over 16 years of teaching experience in Operating Systems, Computer Architecture, Embedded Systems, Parallel & Distributed Systems, Computer Networks. His research interests are focused on computer architecture, robotics, embedded and cyber-physical systems, gamification, Internet of Things, security and hardware & software cosynthesis. Dr. Dasygenis, a systems' architect in embedded systems and ICT, has been serving as a program committee member or reviewer to various flagship conferences of embedded systems, has published more than 85 papers in international journals and conferences, authored 3 books, and he has been a principal researcher in three European research projects. Currently, he is the Director of the Laboratory of Robotics, Embedded and Integrated systems, research coordinator in three programs, and supervises six PhD students.